Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Playing Away

Hi again.
I'm back after a short break in the sun. After that I have been quite busy at the day job. We have had quite a few out sick. I was ill for a week myself and had to have 2.5 courses of anti-biotics. One wouldn't be enough of course.The second drug did the business though. I was in Spain with my wife and her mother for a few days too. It was good therapy. We all benefitted.
I am convinced that the light, not just the heat from the Med sun is the best tonic one could have. Thse dark grey days do you no good at all. Experts agree now that this is a factor in the high levels of depresion in northern hemisphere patients. That is why some now prescribe "light box therepy". The SADS is real. Thank God I don't have it but I do know that I feel better abroad. I'm sure its a combination of factors. But we will start with the light. After all what is its oppsite - Darkness? Who amongst us wants to live in the dark? There's two concepts to conjure with. Out of the darkness came the light... and I'm not talking Guinness here. In terms of "well being" and Light.... any comments folks??
More anon. Ger

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